姓 名:陶勇生
性 别:男
职 称:副教授,博士生/硕士生导师
电 话:0312-7528123
1984.9 -1988.7: 甘肃农业大学,草原专业,农学学士;
1991.10 -1997.7: 俄罗斯莫斯科农业大学,遗传学专业,理学博士;
2006.6 -至今:5848vip威尼斯电子游戏 副教授,硕士/博士生导师。
1.陶勇生(第1完成人). 基于导入系玉米重要性状基因克隆的生物学基础, 河北省人民政府, 河北省自然科学奖, 三等, 201802。
2. 玉米吸收铁的作用机理研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,62万元,2017 -2020,第二参加人。
3. ZmDNAJ调控玉米抗旱的功能及分子机制,国家自然科学基金面上项目,58万元,2021 -2024,第二参加人。
1. 陶勇生, 段会军, 张大效, 马小林. 玉米百粒重主效QTL位点qKW4a及其候选基因应用, CN112708628B,2022-5-3,发明专利,授权年度2022。
1. Liu, Songtao; Zenda, Tinashe; Dong, Anyi; Yang, Yatong; Liu, Xinyue; Wang, Yafei; Li, Jiao; Tao, Yongsheng; Duan, Huijun ; Comparative proteomic and morpho-physiological analyses of maize wild-type vp16 and mutant vp16 germinating seed responses to PEG-induced drought stress, International Journal of Molecular Sciences , 2019, 20(22): 5586.
2. Mengsi Kong; Qiao Qiao; Xiaolin Ma; Yongsheng Tao; Pushpa Maharjan Raj; Wenchao Zhen ; Isolation and functional analysis of the ZmARM4 locus in a novel maize grain-filling mutant, plant breeding , 2020, 139(2): 217-226.
3. Kong Mengsi; Luo Meijie; Li Jingna; Feng, Zhen; Zhang Yunxia; Song Wei; Zhang Ruyang; Wang Ronghuan; Wang Yuandong; Zhao Jiuran; Tao Yongsheng; Zhao Yanxin ; Genome-wide identification, characterization, and expression analysis of the monovalent cation-proton antiporter superfamily in maize, and functional analysis of its role in salt tolerance, Genomics, 2021, 113(4): 1940-1951.
4. Jingjing Zhan; Fei Wang; Wenhui Xing; Jie Liu; Ziyang Fan; Yongsheng Tao ; Fine mapping and candidate gene prediction of a major QTL for kernel number per ear in maize, Molecular Breeding , 2018.2, 38(38): 27.
5. Weifeng Yang; Lizhen Zheng; Yuan He; Liying Zhu; Xuqing Chen; Yongsheng Tao ; Fine mapping and candidate gene prediction of a major quantitative trait locus for tassel branch number in maize, Gene , 2020, 757(144928): 1-7
刘庆昌(主编)、陶勇生(参编). 2020. 遗传学(第四版). 科学出版社.
穆国俊(主编)、陶勇生(副主编). 2012. 遗传学实验教程. 中国农业大学出版社.